日本空襲の記録が伝える戦争の悲惨/The misery of war told by the records of air raids on Japan

Translation / 翻訳



大空襲後の東京 Tokyo after the air raid http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/kaigai…/imgs/1/7/17712d0b-s.jpg







アイキャッチ画像は戦後復興期の日本人の姿を演じます。ドラマ「ひよっこ 」より


During World War II, US air raids targeted anything that moved, including people, railroads and even horses, and even schools were targeted. Nearly 460,000 people were killed by US air raids by the end of the war. 20.4 million incendiary bombs were dropped and 8.5 million bullets were fired.

The first target of the B29 attack was the Nakajima Aircraft Musashi Factory, but in order to avoid being intercepted by Japanese fighter planes, it flew at an altitude of over 10,000 meters and was hit by a jet stream and thick clouds. The bombs that obstructed the field of vision had a 7% hit rate. In the attack from Saipan Island, the cruising range was short, and an escort fighter could not be attached. As a result, the U.S. military occupied Iwo Jima further, and P51 fighters began to escort it, and when Japan’s air power decreased significantly, the P51s repeatedly strafed the ground at extremely low altitudes. The ex-pilot of the P51 attacks and says that it wasn’t a human being burned to death after all, but an enemy. Smelling the stench of the corpses of his comrades on Iwo Jima as he made his sortie, his hostility towards Japan was naturally stirred up.

Major General Curtis LeMay justified the indiscriminate bombing on Japan saying that small military-related factories were mixed in with Japanese private houses, and that the Japanese military had carried out more than 200 air raids on Chongqing, China from 1938 to 1943, killing over 10,000 Chinese citizens.

Pablo Picasso’s (1881-1973) “Guernica” motif depicts a mother and child victimized by an airstrike, a fallen soldier, a screaming mother, and a cow expresses hope for overpowering the fascist “invaders.”

Accurate targeting of military targets by precision-guided bombs (PGM) has been emphasized, but in the Iraq War that began in 2003, about 50 airstrikes were carried out targeting Saddam Hussein. Airstrikes did not succeed in ‘eliminating’ Hussein. The airstrikes did not deliver a decisive blow to Saddam Hussein’s regime, nor did they bring stability to Iraq.

Japan also repeatedly bombed Nanking and Chongqing during the Sino-Japanese War, but although there are various statistics, it is clear that a considerable number of civilians were killed.

On August 9, immediately after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, China’s Xinhua Daily wrote, “The fruit of the painstaking work of scientists has become a rocket, a large bomb, and finally an atomic bomb. There is no doubt that the fact that many children, husbands, and fathers were killed and injured during this period will be reflected in the minds of the people as a frightening fact.” (From Shinichi Arai’s History of Air Raids)

The eye-catching image depicts Japanese people in the post-war reconstruction period. From the drama “Hiyokko”

ホテル・ニューオオタニと首都高 奥は東京タワー
Hotel New Otani and the Metropolitan Expressway Tokyo Tower in the back. What you can see here is the city center that has just finished the post-war reconstruction period.
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