The Iraq War brought about the Belarusian immigration crisis

ベラルーシの不法移民たちEnglish Article
Translation / 翻訳



The Iraq War brought about the Belarusian immigration crisis

On the 12th, Julian Odul, a member of France’s far right-wing National Rally in France, said that immigrants in Belarus’ territory near the Polish border should never enter Europe and that they can freeze to death.

Many immigrants have entered Belarus from Iraq in the Middle East and are looking for opportunities to migrate to EU countries such as Germany.

Approximately 11,300 people are estimated to have illegally entered Poland from Belarus in October, and it is estimated that 6,000 more illegally entered Germany from Poland this year. The main starting points for migrants to Belarus are Erbil, Sulaymānīyah and Shiladze in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, with many from Syria, Congo and Cameroon. Also, after the Taliban administration was established, people from Afghanistan began to join the immigrants.

As the Belarusian embassy in Erbil issues visas to illegal immigrants, it can be seen that Belarus has a political intent to shake the EU that imposes sanctions. It is also reported that the Belarusian border guard has even provided migrants with wire cutters that cut the barbed wire at the border. Some migrants fly to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, from Beirut, Damascus and Amman. Illegal immigrants pay the brokers € 12,000 to € 15,000 to arrange air tickets, visas and even land travel after entering Belarus.

The Baltic states of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia have begun to warn Belarus’ stance that it could lead to a military conflict.

It goes without saying that many of the immigrants leaving Iraq’s Kurdish Autonomous Region and heading for Europe are Syrian Kurds and Yazidi (Yazid) who have been suppressed by IS, due to the political turmoil in Syria and Iraq. The United States gained the cooperation of Syrian Kurdish militants in the fight against IS, but the Trump administration withdrew US troops from Syria, invited military intervention in Turkey’s Syria, which hates the rise of Kurds. The armed groups have been abandoned by the US.

The crackdown of IS against Yazidis was also under the turmoil caused by the US war in Iraq. The issue of illegal immigration over Belarus has moral responsibility to the United States, which has fought an unreasonable war in Iraq. In addition, the United States caused turmoil in Afghanistan in the “war on terrorism” and established the Taliban administration. It goes without saying that the evaluation of the Taliban politics will be related to future political management, but many messages from Afghanistan that I want to asylum have come to me, and not a few Afghans are worried about the future. I’m sure I’m feeling it.

In order to prevent refugees and illegal immigrants, it is necessary to improve the problems of their countries of origin. Japanese writer Kenji Miyazawa says, “Unless the whole world is happy, there can be no individual happiness,” but as long as such awareness is lacking from the international community, including the West, the problem of illegal immigration will occur repeatedly. Sadako Ogata,  former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said, “All nations should work together to provide each other what they can do and support each other.”

Japan’s famous writer, Kenji Miyazawa
Kenji Miyazawa’s poem








 難民、不法移民を出さないためには、彼らの出身国の問題の改善が求められ、政府による人権侵害、貧困、紛争など国際的連携や国際的な協力の下に不法移民問題の改善を考えていくことが求められている。移民をナショナリズムの手段として利用するベラルーシや、また難民を嫌うフランスの右翼政治家たちも不法移民問題を「対岸の火事」のようにしてとらえ、その本質が見えていない。「世界全体が幸福にならないうちは個人の幸福はあり得ない」とは宮沢賢治の言葉だが、そのような意識が欧米をはじめ国際社会から欠けている限りは不法移民の問題は繰り返し発生するだろう。国連高等難民弁務官だった緒方貞子さんは「すべての国々が皆一つになって、自分たちができることをお互いに提供しながら、支え合って生きていくべきです。日本はそのために貢献できる国にならないといけません」 と語っている。

Sadako Ogata, former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 緒方貞子さん

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