アル・アクサー・モスクは誰のもの? -レイボヴィッツによる「ユダヤ・ナチス国家」の警告/Who owns the Al-Aqsa Mosque? -Warning  by Leibowitz

Translation / 翻訳


 4月15日、イスラエル・エルサレム旧市街の聖地で、イスラム教ラマダン(断食月)の金曜日朝の礼拝後に暴動が発生し、「アルアクサ・モスク」付近で警察と覆面をして投石するパレスチナ人が衝突した。写真は衝突するイスラエル警察とパレスチナ人。エルサレムで15日撮影(2022年 ロイター/Ammar Awad)Palestinians masked and stoned near the Al-Aqsa Mosque on April 15 in a sanctuary in the Old City of Jerusalem. The photo shows the Israeli police and Palestinians clashing. Taken on the 15th in Jerusalem (2022 Reuters / Ammar Awad) /





エルサレム・岩のドーム/Dome of the Rock ,Jerusalem

 東エルサレム・イスラエル中央裁判所は、東エルサレムのシェイフ・ジャッラー(Sheikh Jarrah)地区のパレスチナ人の7家庭の立ち退きを認める判決を下した。「シェイフ・ジャッラー」は十字軍を駆逐したサラディンの侍医の名前にちなんだもので、エルサレム旧市街の城壁の北1キロ以内に位置するパレスチナ人にとっては由緒ある地区である。シェイフ・ジャッラーも1967年の第三次中東戦争でイスラエルが軍事占領したところで、そこの住民の立ち退きは国際法の観点からも決して容認されるものでないことは明らかだ。イスラエルの入植者のグループは1885年にオスマン帝国時代にユダヤ人がここの土地を獲得したとシェイフ・ジャッラーの土地の所有権を訴えるようになった。


158 people are injured when Israeli security forces rush into the Al-Aqsa Mosque on April 15 at Haram Asherif, the Islamic sanctuary of Jerusalem, on Friday, the second mass worship of Ramadan, the holy month of Islam. Then, 500 people were arrested.

Although some reports say it is a “collision,” the Israeli police’s activities here are not permitted under international law. East Jerusalem, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is located, was the place where Israel militarily occupied during the Six-Day War in 1967, and Israel allowed the far-right settlers and others to set foot in Haram Assharif, Islam’s holy place. It seems that Islamic religious activities are being excluded from Haram Assharif and their Israelization (Judaism) is being promoted. The 1949 Geneva Treaty 4 does not allow the annexation of territories by force as the Nazis did.

When the Crusaders attacked Jerusalem in July 1099, both Muslims and Jews fought the Crusaders, killing 40,000 or even 70,000 Muslims and Jews. When the Crusaders occupied Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock became a Christian church, the Al-Aqsa Mosque became the headquarters of the Knights Templar, and Muslims and Jews were expelled from Jerusalem. However, when Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn  (1138-93) regained Jerusalem in 1187, they returned these facilities to Islamic religious ones, allowing all religious activities and the return of Jews.


Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn came to dominate Jerusalem, but treated the crusader-hostile Christians generously, the Jewish community was protected, and Maimonides, a Jewish philosopher and medical doctor from Cordoba, Spain. A philosopher and medical scholar, Maimonides (1135-1204) became a doctor of Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn and his son. Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn ruled Egypt, Syria, Yemen, etc., founding the Ayyubid dynasty (1169-1260), but even under that rule, he continued to treat Egyptian Christian Copts and others generously, and the activities of the Copt church were prosperous under the Ayyubid dynasty. Some of the Copts served as Ayyubid officials. In this way, the coexistence of the three major monotheistic religions was established in the Islamic world including Jerusalem.

The rapid collapse of Jerusalem’s well-being began in the 19th century when the Ottoman Empire’s authority declined and European consulates, religious envoys, and archaeological teams flooded the city. Also, as the Zionist idea of ​​building a Jewish nation in Jerusalem grew, poor Jews in Jerusalem began to compete with Muslims for influence with the support of the Rothschilds of Europe. By 1900, the Jewish population was 35,000, surpassing 10,000 Muslims and Christians. The Jewish nationalist ideas of Zionism fueled the conflict with the Palestinian Arabs.

エルサレム旧市街/Old City of Jerusalem

The Central Court of Israel in East Jerusalem has ruled to evict seven Palestinian families in the Sheikh Jarrah district of East Jerusalem. ” The Central Court of Israel in East Jerusalem has ruled to evict seven Palestinian families in the Sheikh Jarrah district of East Jerusalem. ” Sheikh Jarrah ” is named after Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn’s doctor and is a historic district for Palestinians located within a kilometer north of the walls of Old City of Jerusalem. With the military occupation of Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967, it is clear that the eviction of its inhabitants is by no means acceptable from the perspective of international law. A group of Israeli settlers began to claim ownership of  Sheikh Jarrah’s land in 1885, claiming that the Jews had acquired the land here during the Ottoman Empire.

The Israeli chemist Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903-1994), born in Riga, Latvia, argued that  the Zionism is a movement that originated from the idea that Zionism is “more to be content with foreign rule”, and Zionism aims for the nation. For the ultimate purpose, he states that after the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel has become a complete military state that protects the nation. When the state of Israel and Zionism were prioritized over the human values ​​of Jews, he said that the behavior in the occupied territories of Israel “has a Jewish-Nazi character”, but the behavior of Israel now is exactly as observed by Reybowitz.

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