昭和の日 -昭和とは どんな眺めぞ 花へんろ/Showa Day-What kind of view is Showa, Hanahenro (Flower Pilgrimage)?

Translation / 翻訳


 「昭和とは どんな眺めぞ 花へんろ」とは、1985年から1988年にかけて放送されたNHKのドラマ「花へんろ」の冒頭に詠まれる俳句である。








ヒロシマを語り継ぐ 早坂暁さんに聞く 悲惨な戦争忘れるな 血と涙、平和憲法生む - 日本経済新聞

「戦争や 人の命の イワシかな」(「花へんろ」で詠まれる俳句)


Yesterday was “Showa Day”. “The falling snow and the Meiji era are far away” is a haiku by Nakamura Kusatao, but in the era of Reiwa, the Showa era became even more distant.

“What kind of view is Showa, Hanahenro (Flower Pilgrimage)?” was  a haiku poem introduced at the beginning of the NHK drama “Hanahenro” that was broadcast from 1985 to 1988.

The script was written by Akira Hayasaka (1929-2017), who ended the war as a student of the Navy School and stayed overnight at Hiroshima Station on his way home, witnessing the tragedy after the atomic bomb was dropped.

At the end of Chapter 3, Episode 6 of “Hanahenro,” the main character, Shinichi (modeled by Mr. Hayasaka), told Choko, the mother of her cousin Noboru, who died in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, “When I come back from military school, I passed through Hiroshima on August 18th. When the train stopped at Hiroshima station, seeing the burnt field as if Hiroshima was cleaned up. It was raining and the blue fire was burning. “That blue fire is. When I asked the station clerk, answering the dead person’s phosphorus was burning. Hundreds and thousands of blue fires were burning and beautiful. One of them was Noboru-san. “

Devastation is seen in the vicinity of ‘ground zero’ after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. August 6

The theme of Mr. Hayasaka’s work is how to convey the misery of the atomic bomb and the fact that a bomb that should not be at war has been created. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, dated August 3, 2013, Mr. Hayasaka stated as follows.

“For 68 years after the war, no Japanese went to other countries and did not kill even one enemy soldier. We must take this as our greatest pride. Some people claim that it is imposing the current constitution of abandonment of the war. But it’s ridiculous. Behind the choice to abandon the war is the blood and tears of more than 3 million soldiers and citizens who died in World War II.

My cousin called “Gen-niichan” who died in the jungle of Burma. He was half soaked in water and couldn’t walk because of an injury. He asked his comrades to turn his body  to his home country and died alone. Today’s Japanese must not forget that the blood of millions of Japanese soldiers and the tears of tens of millions of their families created a constitution to abandon the war. (Omitted)

Even in Japan, even though we experienced the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, the export of nuclear power plants has already become a hot topic. We can’t even dispose of radioactive waste. The economy is very important. Certainly humans cannot live without eating. But you shouldn’t eat what you shouldn’t eat. “

Mr. Hayasaka continued to send a message of peace as “survival of 4000 marines entrusted with the postwar period, 78th generation,” while calling themselves “endangered species that are decreasing day by day.”

ヒロシマを語り継ぐ 早坂暁さんに聞く 悲惨な戦争忘れるな 血と涙、平和憲法生む - 日本経済新聞

“In war, human life is like a squid?” (Haiku poemed in “Hanahenro”)

In the Showa era, the war experience that was told by many people is becoming known in history. The turbulent Showa history both in the war and in the postwar reconstruction has taught many lessons to the Japanese in the Reiwa era,

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